“Do It Yourself” Car Painting And Procedures

Basic knowledge in painting a car

Due to aging and accidents, the paint on the car can be easily peeled off. Using a service will help you to take your car to the nearest auto repair shop. Running as it is is unsightly and you want to avoid it. You can also paint with DIY, but before that, let’s take a look at the basics of car painting types and methods. Therefore, in this article, we will introduce the basic techniques and procedures for painting a car, and what to do if you have a problem.

There are three main types of car paint

First, let’s take a look at the basics of car paint types. There are three main types of painting. Knowing the characteristics of each is the first step to a successful DIY. If you do not choose the paint after knowing this difference, you will not be able to get close to the original car color. Even with the same “white”, solids and pearls are completely different, so let’s understand the difference.

  • Single-color “solid” that does not require clear painting
    The basic paint is “solid”. We do not mix special materials, but white for white, blue for blue, and so on. It is also characteristic that you can create colors like paints by combining only paints of the same genre. Other paints require a finish called clear paint, but in principle, this is not necessary for solids. This is because there is no risk of discoloration after painting, and as the work process is reduced, the painting will be easier for the general public to succeed.
  • “Pearl” containing mica powder
    “Pearl” is a paint that contains a mineral powder called mica in ordinary paint. The feature is that the translucent film is folded in multiple layers like Millefeuille. Since it has the effect of making the reflection of light stand out, it gives a glossy and luxurious finish. Since the mica is exposed after painting the pearl, it leaves a rough feel when touched. Also, in terms of durability, it is far from solid. Therefore, it is a paint that must be reinforced with clear paint.
  • “Metallic” containing aluminum pieces
    “Metallic” is made by adding a piece of aluminum to ordinary paint to create a paint that reflects glitter. It is characteristic that the hue changes depending on the angle of reflection, and even if the color used as a whole is one color, it looks like a gradation. Clear painting is also required here, but the reason is different from pearl. Aluminum pieces used for metallic will oxidize when exposed to rain, etc., eventually causing discoloration. To prevent this, a clear coating is required.

What are the four layers that make up the body color of a car?

It is not enough to paint a car once. Of course, it looks beautiful, but in order to improve the durability of the car, the color is finished by repeating the painting a total of 4 times. In this section, we will introduce the meaning of each of the four paintings. Each process has a meaning, so let’s understand the reason and purpose of painting.

  • Base
  • Intermediate coat” to reinforce the topcoat
  • Topcoat that colors the body-color
  • Clear” to protect the paint

“Do it your self” car painting procedure

Now that you know what you need to do DIY painting and your approximate budget. From here, I will tell you concretely the procedure and repair method when painting with DIY. The work itself may seem easy, but it turns out that it actually requires a high level of skill. It takes some time to master the technique of painting evenly and evenly.

  • Spray the body with a blurring agent
    The first step is to use a blurring agent to spray the entire area that needs painting. This is the “base” process introduced earlier. When an amateur does the groundwork, it is especially effective to use a blurring agent, which prevents rust and gives the paint that is applied afterward glossy. Be aware that the blurring agent should be applied evenly and evenly over the entire area.
  • Apply color paint again
    Layer the paint using a color spray or a spray gun. The key to not failing is to shake the spray firmly and then try it on. At first, you may get lumps, so spray it on a place other than the car to get used to it. When spraying, paint the entire car while maintaining a constant speed so that unevenness does not occur. Instead of painting all at once, paint 3-4 times. Continue recoating until the entire surface can be painted evenly.
  • Apply clear paint with clear paint
    For pearl or metallic, be sure to apply clear paint. The point is not to finish the color painting, but to wait about 5 minutes before applying the clear paint. As for clearing, just like color, apply 3 to 4 times to finish. Clear is lighter than color, and spraying lightly makes it easier to finish cleanly.
  • Spray again with blurring agent
    The final step is to re-use the blurring agent that was used first and spray it over the entire painted area to blend it in. The first blurring agent was used to improve functionality such as preventing rust, but the finishing blurring agent is used to finish the paint beautifully.