Five Common Mistakes When Adding Art To Your Home

Art in the house is a great way to make your interior more personal and more expressive. But then you do need to know the right tips and tricks! Give your favorite artwork a nice place in your home.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

Important: Adding art at home will require you to move things around, drill holes, or do some basic carpentry works. Therefore, it is always good to call the experts to help out. Call the experts – top carpenters in Brisbane.

1. Don’t hang art too high
This is probably the most common mistake made when it comes to adding art at home. But on the plus side: also very easy to solve! Go through your house once and check that some of your artwork cannot be hung a few inches lower. Make sure that everything is at eye level and that the frames do not hang too far above, for example, the sofa, table or fireplace.

2. Using the wrong scale
And then hang up an art object that is too small in a room that clearly needs something bigger. First, look at what space you will need before you hang a random size on the wall because you necessarily want to process this particular image in your interior. A large empty wall simply requires an XXL piece of art!

3. Overmatched colors
With art you can work out so well in terms of color, so do not get stuck in the color pattern of the rest of your interior. Go for something that stands out, something that stands out!

4. Don’t advance your layout conception
An idea can be completely different in your head than it really turns out. So don’t just drill holes in the walls until you have thoroughly mapped out your collage. For example, first put your lists on the floor for the proper layout. But the images in the frames must also be in contrast with each other but still form one whole. View in this infographic how to put together the perfect gallery wall!

5. There’s not enough variety
Also called the ‘art gallery effect’. If you always hang the same type of art in different spaces in the same arrangement, then the whole thing becomes boring. Provide enough variety: use different frames, different numbers, and different sizes.