There are various kinds of clay that can be used for sculpting. All of which are varying in terms of the finish and handling. For instance, there’s the oil-based modeling clay that may look unrefined and somewhat tricky to work on to. But it is workable and stays soft which makes it ideal for practicing. Then again, there is the polymerbased modeling clay that is soft as well and may be baked in household oven in attaining fix composition. Though, it may be susceptible to cracking.
However, there’s a popular kind of clay being used by sculptors nowadays and these are the water-based clays. To use such correctly, here are few tips you may want to bear in mind.
Envision the Outcome
Before getting started, it is best to clear your mind of how you like the result to turn out.
Preferably, create sketches of different projections and viewpoints – think of dimensions of main shapes as well as ratios between lengths.
Test the Clay’s Wetness
It is hard to mold dried clay but it’s easier to test if it’s wet enough before starting. Try to take out a small piece that you plan to use and roll it into your hands. Form a cylinder that is around 1cm in diameter and 10cm long. If it bends smoothly, then you should be just fine. Otherwise, try adding more water.